SMBC Indonesia E-Banking & Banking Apps
Nikmati kemudahan dan kenyamanan akses perbankan dari PC, Laptop, Tablet, atau Smartphone Anda.




Merupakan produk asuransi jiwa The New Unit Link berupa perlindungan efisien untuk potensi investasi optimal selama perencanaan keuangan Anda di masa depan.
1 Polis untuk ketenangan perlindungan saat usia produktif dan potensi Nilai Investasi saat masa tua.
105%(1) alokasi Premi Dasar Berkala sebagai Dana Investasi(2) sejak Tahun Polis ke-6 dst untuk potensi Nilai Investasi.
Menggunakan satu harga dalam jual dan beli Unit.
Potensi penurunan Biaya Asuransi(3) jangka Panjang untuk potensi Nilai Investasi maksimal.
Tersedia Manfaat Bonus Persistensi senilai 50% dari Premi Dasar Berkala di akhir Tahun Polis ke-5(4).
Peluang investasi optimal di Indonesia, Asia Pasifik & pasar global.
Find protection solutions along with the potential for developing long-term investment assets so that your financial plans in the future remain protected from various life risks.
SELENGKAPNYADiscover the simple steps of paying a one-time premium for protection and long-term investment development potential that will give you more peace of mind in planning your future finances.
SELENGKAPNYAAs a solution for death and critical illness insurance protection so that future financial conditions are always guaranteed.
SELENGKAPNYAA solution from life insurance product The New Unit Link with efficient protection for optimal investment potential during your future financial planning.
SELENGKAPNYATraditional life insurance with periodic premium payments for maximum inheritance preparation in the future.
SELENGKAPNYATraditional life insurance solution to protect children's education funds
SELENGKAPNYATraditional life insurance solution for future financial plan protection