Daya is created from the call of the soul to give meaning in other’s life
Daya is born from the soul's calling to provide a more meaningful life for Indonesian society.
Daya is a program that embodies the vision and mission of SMBC Indonesia, aimed at delivering significant value and change in the lives of millions of people through Daya. SMBC Indonesia provides sustainable social and environmental empowerment programs to support the achievement of Indonesia's sustainable development goals for 2030, set by the government.
In developing its programs, Daya collaborates with various stakeholders, including regulators, customers, business partners, employees, and the community.
Daya is a capacity building program for the Indonesian society, especially SMBC Indonesia's customers, in all segments, from low-income (productive poor) people all the way to corporate.
SMBC Indonesia believes that these customers segments not only need access to finance and financing, but they also need to increase their capacity in various fields to have a better life.
Therefore, based on research to identify customers’ needs and challenges, SMBC Indonesia designed a comprehensive empowerment program, which includes competence development, personal financial health, capacity to grow for business & sustainable living.
Furthermore, the development of programs, modules and training curriculum for customers is always enhanced by collaboration with various credible and relevant universities, corporates and institutions who have the same vision to create a stronger Indonesian society.
Di era digital saat ini, SMBC Indonesia pun melakukan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat dan nasabah khususnya secara digital, dengan membuat website daya.id. Melalui website ini ruang lingkup pemberdayaan SMBC Indonesia diharapkan dapat semakin luas jangkauan wilayahnya dan dapat diakses kapan saja oleh pengguna.
Selain itu, website ini bertujuan sebagai media Informasi dan solusi bagi masyarakat dan nasabah dalam aspek keuangan, kewirausahaan, dan gaya hidup sehat.
Kolaborasi ini menghasilkan ribuan konten artikel tips, video pelatihan, dan konsultasi bersama ahli, yang bisa diakses oleh seluruh pengguna daya.id terdaftar. Berikut sorotan pengunjung Daya.id dari 2020 hingga 2023:

The Daya.id website offers 9 main features: