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Easier way to grow your money by using pool of fund managed by reputable fund managers
Mutual Fund is a pool of money invested in stocks, bonds and/or money market instruments managed by independent professional fund managers in order to maximize return and diversify risks for investors.
Professional fund managers
A team of experts from our approved Fund Managers will take good care of your investment. They will focus on the market condition/performance and make investment decisions on your behalf.
Enjoy Tax Advantage
Returns from Indonesian Mutual Funds are not taxable.
Enjoy High Liquidity
You can redeem some or all of your investments at any Bourse Day, subject to redemption fees (if any).
Choice of Subcription Method
SMBCI offer two types of subscription method : Lump Sum Investment or Reguler Investment Plan
Low initial investment
The minimum investment amount starts at only IDR 100k.
Key risks in Mutual Funds are (but not limited to): market, default, re-investment, liquidity and return risks. Mutual Funds spread overall investment risks by having range of stocks and/or bonds. There is range of funds to choose from to match your personal risk appetite.
Money Market Fund (RD Pasar Uang)
Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang
Ashmore Dana Pasar Uang Nusantara
BNP Paribas Rupiah Plus
Schroder Dana Likuid
Manulife Dana Kas II
Syailendra Dana Kas
BNI AM Dana Likuid
Sucorinvest Sharia Money Market Fund
Fixed Income Fund (RD Pendapatan Tetap)
Mandiri Investa Dana Obligasi Seri 2
Schroder Dana Mantap Plus II
Schroder Income Fund
Ashmore Dana Obligasi Nusantara
Ashmore Dana Obligasi Unggulan Nusantara
Mandiri Investasi Obligasi Nasional
BNP Paribas Prima II Kelas RK 1
BNP Paribas Prima USD Kelas RK 1
Ashmore Dana USD Fixed Income
Manulife Pendapatan Bulanan II
Manulife USD Fixed Income
Manulife Obligasi Negara Indonesia II
Syailendra Pendapatan Tetap Premium
Syailendra Fixed Income Fund Kelas A
BNI AM Dana Pendapatan Tetap Syariah Ardhani
BNI AM Pendapatan Tetap Teakwood
Sucorinvest Sharia Sukuk Fund
Balance Fund (RD Campuran)
Schroder Dana Terpadu II
Schroder Dana Kombinasi
Schroder Dynamic Balance Fund
Syailendra MSCI Indonesia Value Index Fund Kelas A
Sucorinvest Premium Fund
Equity Fund (Reksa Dana Saham)
Mandiri Investa Atraktif
Mandiri Investa Equity ASEAN 5 Plus
Schroder Dana Prestasi Plus
Schroder 90 Plus Equity Fund
Ashmore Dana Ekuitas Nusantara
Ashmore Dana Progresif Nusantara
Mandiri Global Sharia Equity Dollar (USD)
Schroder Global Sharia Equity Fund (USD)
Ashmore Digital Equity Sustainable Fund
BNP Paribas Pesona
BNP Paribas Cakra Syariah USD Kelas RK 1
Ashmore Saham Dinamis Nusantara
Manulife Saham Andalan
Manulife Dana Saham
Manulife Saham Syariah Asia Pasifik Dollar AS
Syailendra Equity Opportunity Fund Kelas A
BNI AM Indeks IDX Growth30
BNI AM IDX High Dividend 20
BNI AM IDX Pefindo Prime Bank
BNI AM Indeks IDX30
BNI AM Indeks Pefindo I-Grade
Sucorinvest Equity Fund
Mutual Fund are investment and NOT a bank deposits or obligations or guaranteed by SMBC Indonesia or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries and not under the Government of Indonesia Blanket Guarantee Programme.
Mutual Fund are managed by the Invesment Manager subject to investment risks, including the loss of the principal amount invested.
Past performance is not indicative of future result, price can go up or down. Investors investing in Mutual Fund denominated in non-local currency should be aware of the risk exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal when convert it back to Rupiah.
Mutual Fund are not available to US person. Prospective investors shall read and understand product information prior to subscription.
Regarding to mutual funds sold in SMBC Indonesia, SMBC Indonesia act and behalf as a Selling Agent (APERD) and its employee act and behalf as a Selling Agent Representative (WAPERD) which are registered and supervised by Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Five easy steps to start investing in Mutual Funds
Terms and Condition
Branch Location
Other Savings Account
Our empowerment program is an integrated element to our business model. We will always try to create opportunities for all SMBCI customers to grow and make a more meaningful life through our products and activities.
SMBCI Sinaya Customer
“I started my tenun (traditional woven cloth) business in 1997. After three years, I began offering training and work opportunities for local communities in Sukabumi, West Java, in Bengkel Tenun workshop. My empowerment project has helped locals who have received trainings to improve their life. Many of them have even started out their own business and also train others to grow and develop together.”
SMBCI Sinaya Customer
“My business has grown significantly after three years of becoming a SMBCI customer. Especially with the trainings I received from SMBCI, now I understand about bookkeeping and business management. There, I also learnt about online business.”
SMBCI Sinaya Customer
“As a SMBCI customer, I feel compelled to share with and empower others. In every occasion, I always encourage other customers who run businesses to introduce online marketing. I’m so glad to contribute by providing training for micro and small business owners on how to use the internet to sell their products online.”