Terms & Conditions : SMBC Indonesia

Terms & Conditions

Your security is guaranteed
  • According to the rules of OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/Indonesian Financial Services Authority), you will be required to provide personal data when opening an account in our bank.
  • Please ensure that the information provided is correct and accurate. Please kindly update your information when there are changes to your personal information.
  • We ensure that your personal data will be kept confidential and secure. The use of your personal data will comply with the applicable provision.
  • You are obliged to inform and provide data updates to the Bank. The changes will only apply if they have been accepted and/or approved by the Bank. In the event that the Bank has not received any information regarding the data changes, the Bank will use the existing Customer Data recorded in the Bank's system.
  • You shall accept any consequences and/or losses which may arise from the Customer negligence in updating the Data to the Bank.


We understand you

  • We will always inform you about any of our products/services, including the changes in our Terms and Conditions according to the applicable provisions.
  • We have the table of transaction fees available on our website. We have created the list briefly so that you can understand it easily.
  • For a mutual understanding between you and the bank, please read through the entire Terms and Conditions or any other provisions on our site at www.jenius.com according to the specific service you may obtain so that you hereby acknowledge that you have read the entire Terms and Conditions when you apply for the service, and you understand and fully agree to all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and/or contents of these Terms and Conditions, or cannot fully understand the interpretation of these terms, then please do not continue to follow these Terms and Conditions.
  • For further questions or input regarding SMBC Indonesia, SMBCI Care 1500 365 is available to serve you. By using SMBCI Care service you hereby allow the Bank to take notes or record your conversations with the Bank.

Our Path

1958 1958

BTPN was established in bandung on February 5, 1958, West java, under the name of Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer (Bapemil), serving military veterans. 

1960 1960

License as commercial bank obtained.

1986 1986

Changed its name into Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN).

2008 2008

TPG Nusantara S.a.r.l., a subsidiary of US global private equity, TPG Capital, acquired BTPN majority share (71.6%) through a public listing in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. BTPN became a publicly listed company and was an IDR 13.7 trillion bank in assets.

2009 2009

BTPN launched BTPN Mitra Usaha Rakyat to serve micro entrepreneurs in 539 branches. BTPN Mitra Usaha Rakyat recorded IDR 2.3 trillion credit improvement. BTPN released its first long-term obligation in Indonesian Rupiah, rated as A+ (National Scale Rating) by Fitch Ratings. Earned a long-term loan facility in Indonesian Rupiah from International Finance Corporation, a subsidiary of World Bank.

2010 2010

BTPN ranked as the 10th biggest bank in market capitalization, 5th bank with most office branches, and 6th bank with most employees. BTPN managed to launch two long-term obligations with a total of IDR 2.4 trillion and solved the rights issue of IDR 1.3 trillion in December.


BTPN launched Daya, a continuous mass market empowerment program as an integral part on BTPN business activity. In funding business, BTPN introduced BTPN Sinaya which is integrated with Daya initiative. In the same year, BTPN finished the trial period of Sharia Community Banking (BTPN Syariah – Tunas Usaha Rakyat). BTPN made new partnership with ATM Prima to expand its ATM services. Now, BTPN has more than 57.331 ATMs connected to ATM Prima and ATM Bersama network all over Indonesia.


BTPN’s Sharia Community Banking (BTPN Syariah – Tunas Usaha Rakyat) grew significantly. By the end of the year, BTPN Syariah – Tunas Usaha Rakyat served 28.927 community centers in Banten, West Java, and East Java and empowered 444.000 customers in those community centers.

BTPN finished the trial period of a new mobile banking service, BTPN Wow! This program was launched in 2013.


BTPN Syariah – Tunas Usaha Rakyat made a breakthrough improvement; funding more than IDR 1.4 trillion and contributed 3% of Banks’s total credit. The Sharia Unit Network involved 69.500 Centers all over Indonesia, empowering 931.500 rural customers. BTPN took over Bank Sahabat to be conversed as sharia bank before BTPN separate its sharia unit to a new entity in 2014.

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) from Japan own 24.3% of BTPN’s shares from TPG Nusantara S.à r.l and other shareholders through share purchase transaction.

2014 2014

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) from Japan increased their number of shares and became main shareholder with 40% shares. SMBC is the second biggest bank in Japan based on their market value with USD1.3 trillion of asset. This takeover put BTPN in a firm position. Not only having a strong shareholder, BTPN, through SMBC, now has the funding access to regional and international money markets, if needed.


BTPN officially launched BTPN Wow!, a mobile digital platform. With a simple mobile phone, the customers are now able to open a bank account with simplified verification process. They can also enjoy various banking transactions such as deposit, withdrawal, transfer, bill payment, apply micro credit, and buy micro assurance product. This innovation aims to support the customers to do banking transactions via mobile phone, as if the bank is in their hands. Through the Agents (branchless banking), BTPN can now extend their financial services reach to serve remote citizens.

BTPN Wow! is the implementation of the Laku Pandai innovation, initiated by OJK.


BTPN launched Jenius, a mobile application designed and developed to serve the customers in managing their life finance in an easier, smarter, and safer way via their Android and iOS-based smartphone. Recent research shows that digital savvy community needs an easier, smarter, and safer banking services via their smartphone. BTPN, with its vision of making a difference in the lives of millions of Indonesian citizens, fulfills that need with Jenius.


PT Bank BTPN Tbk (Bank BTPN) officially commences its operation as a new bank as a result from the merger between PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) and PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia (SMBCI). Bank BTPN will become a universal bank that serves a full spectrum of Indonesia’s customer segments, from the mass market (retail) to corporate.

  • The bank acquired the OTO Group, which provides financing for two-wheeled and four-wheeled purchases in Indonesia, as an effort to serve more Indonesians.

  • Bank BTPN transformed its brand into SMBC Indonesia to respond to market dynamics and a growing portfolio for more meaningful growth.