Sustainability - Sustainable Business : SMBC Indonesia

As part of the driving force of the nation’s economy, SMBC Indonesia is committed to support the development of sustainable industry and economy.

SMBC Indonesia provides comprehensive support for sustainable development through its business in the financial sector by aligning economic, social and environmental aspects.

SMBC Indonesia recognizes the crucial role of banking sector in implementing sustainable finance in Indonesia. This role is implemented by encouraging customers to transform towards sustainable business practices, which not only take into account the economic aspect, but also protect the environment, mitigate climate change, and care for the welfare of society in general.


Sustainable Business Policy

In line with SMBC Indonesia's Credit Policy, the following industries are prohibited from being financed:

  • Business, company, or project that is estimated to be significantly harmful to the environment and employs illegal labor.
  • A large-scale development or construction projects which may have significant negative impacts on key biodiversity and protected areas, including UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
  • A large-scale development or construction projects that have a significant impact
    on the habitat of an endangered species, without an appropriate environmental impact assessment or no environmental management plan.
  • Coal mining industrial sector:
  1. Using Mountain Top Removal (MTR) and/or expansion of infrastructure development dedicated to coal mining using MTR.
  2. Thermal coal mining and infrastructure development dedicated to thermal coal mining.
  • Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP), including captive CFPP for the purpose of self-consumption.
  • Development of palm oil plantations where illegal logging or human rights abuses are taking place or highly likely to take place. Support is only permitted for the palm oil industry that has been, or is expected to be, certified to ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) and/or RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) or has equivalent documents showing compliance with NDPE (No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation).
  • Businesses involving deforestation that are engaging, or highly likely to engage, in illegal logging or labor abuses. For large-scale plantations (10,000 hectares or more), must have public announcement of compliance with NDPE (No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation).


Environmental & Social Risk Assessment Procedures


SMBC Indonesia has minimum standards in the process of assessment, screening, and decision making related to financing. The assessment and selection procedures are as follows:







Sustainable Finance Products



ESG Deposit

A time deposit product designed to empower corporate ventures by funding in loans and commitments that align with rigorous ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).


Customers’ involvement can contribute to finance ESG projects across a wide range of categories such as renewable energy, green building, clean transportation, energy efficiency, environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use, employment generation, food security and sustainable food system, socioeconomic advancement, and empowerment, etc.


For details of eligible ESG criteria can be found below:

Sustainable Business Activities Portfolio
Per December 2024