Sinaya Deposito : SMBC Indonesia

Premium savings account product with optimum investment return

It is our commitment in Sinaya to become a bank that provides excellent and personal services.

Therefore, we never stop to innovate and introduce products that can fulfil your needs.

Sinaya has two time deposit products that offer optimum investment return, namely Deposito Berjangka and Deposito Fleksi. 

Deposito Berjangka gives customers a comfort to determine the maturity period for their deposits. Deposito Fleksi, meanwhile, provides them with flexibility to make funds withdrawal without penalty.

Through Deposito Berjangka and Deposito Fleksi products, Sinaya will pay out return according to interest rate that is agreed upon the beginning of funds placement and should no funds withdrawal is made until the maturity date.

Significant Impact

Our empowerment program is an integrated element to our business model. We will always try to create opportunities for all SMBC Indonesia customers to grow and make a more meaningful life through our products and activities.

Erna Zurnimawati

"While being a customer of Bank SMBC Indonesia, I have been guided by the Daya team, starting from exhibitions, coaching, and many online and offline training sessions. I have also received orders from SMBC Indonesia itself"

Siti Rochanah

"I am able to manage my business finances and its online store as taught by Daya, and am often invited to participate in various exhibitions. The pinnacle of my achievement was being introduced to President Joko Widodo at an exhibition held by SMBC Indonesia, and my product, Iwaknyuzz, received an appreciation from him"

Adam Abdullah

"Through the Daya program, we also received capital support that helped us increase production capacity even further, through an easy and non-burdensome capital scheme. This business easily obtains adequate and measurable capital according to the capacity and ability of the business. We are grateful that WGB is now a market leader in the plus-size men's retail clothing business"

Agnes Sukenty Niken

“After receiving personalized coaching for 6 months from Daya SMBC Indonesia, starting from creating a business plan, ensuring the supply chain of raw materials, and scaling up the business itself. It turns out that running this business involves so many things that I had not previously thought. As of now, Ing Pawon's products are available in various modern retail outlets from Papua to Sumatra ”